An Exhibition and Sale of
Rare, Vintage Movie Posters
French, Polish, Cuban and American
Film Festival Posters
Cannes, Los Angeles and Ojai
May 10 - June 21, 2014
Closing Reception
With Friday Evening, June 20
Five to Eight
Curated by Anca Colbert
Join Us for
Color lithographic posters and cinema were both born about the same time, around 1895 in Paris. The history of the two art forms was linked from their beginnings, and still is today through over a century of transformations.
Movie posters captivate the imagination of both movie buffs and art collectors. They speak strongly to the visual memories so cherished by film enthusiasts. They have also inspired artists and designers to create compositions and images that have become part of a language and a popular culture with passionate, international devotees. Over the years a specific movie poster graphic design style has developed, large in scale and bold in impact, different from other styles of poster art, but always using strong color and the innovative typographical treatment characteristic of any good poster design. Additionally, movie posters tend to seduce the viewer with the emotional appeal of “recognition” used as an integral part of the design concept: viewers easily relate to the faces of celebrated actors in the movie and/or recognize a striking scene (illustrated or photographed) drawn from the movie. Some of the greatest movie poster designers are represented in this group: George Allard (Les Enfants du Paradis, 1945), Roger Soubie (L’Espionne de Castille, 1937), Boris Grinsson (Cette Nuit et Toujours, 1945), René Ferracci (Play Time, 1967), and Jean-Michel Folon (Festival de Cannes, 1978). The works selected for this exhibition come from a private collection assembled over decades. They all are original posters, purchased in Paris, Cannes or Los Angeles. They represent this truly spectacular modern art form with examples illustrating a wide array of styles and graphics from France, Cuba, Poland, and the United States; and spanning one century, from the most recent (a 2001 digitally produced poster for the Ojai Film Festival) to the oldest Art Nouveau poster in the show (a rare 1902 stone lithograph for Salle de L’Etoile). Anca Colbert, May 2014 For more information on the Cannes Film Festival History: History of the Awards Given at the Cannes Film Festival 1946 - 2013 |
Anca Colbert is an art advisor, curator and appraiser. The owner and director of an art gallery in Los Angeles for twenty years, she is now based in Ojai. She works with collectors, artists, museums, art dealers and other art professionals. Her specialty is Modern and Contemporary works by European and American artists, with an emphasis on works on paper and color lithography. Anca is also the art columnist for the Ojai Quarterly magazine.
[email protected] |
We are thrilled to have AFFICHES de CINEMA, MOVIE POSTERS, CARTELES de FILM at Gallery 525 and invite you all to enjoy this spectacular collection of movie posters, showcasing superb graphic arts and their dynamic portrayal of iconic stories and legends of film that have so very deeply touched us all.
The movie posters in the exhibition span generations and multiple languages. In light of this, we will be celebrating MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, May 11 at Gallery 525 with a reception and music and will have our doors open from 2 to 5pm. You are cordially invited to attend a musical program with Claudia Simone and Don Cardinali of "ALAS LATINAS" featuring enchanting French and Latin American songs, starting
at 3pm.
Kelly Luscombe Bea and Sooz Glazebrook