The Breath, A Love Story
Solo Exhibition by Robyn Dalbey
In Collaboration with Kira Ryder and The Breath, A Love Story at Lulu Bhanda's, Ojai
Multi-Media Installation
Drawing, Painting, Porcelain, Film
March 13 through April 4, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 22, 5 - 8pm
The Breath, A Love Story.
My work is a result of conscious cooperation with the vibrations of the unknown and the mysterious processes of pushing things around until they feel right. I am using the chosen materials to explore and appreciate the inter-connectedness of all things.
This particular series focuses on the journey of the breath in the human body through its containers, channels, forms and spaces, examining the anatomical interior as a place for energy to express itself through light, stillness, void and vessel.
Following the movement of the physical breath and the subtle layers of energetic breath through the body I am describing what I see and what I feel. This is an account of the personal weight and fragility of my own experience as a devotional practitioner and the complex love story that evolves as a result.
Robyn Dalbey